10 photos   1311 visits
xX-Hey all -xXxX-With my girls-xX

member since 27 December 2010

xX-Hey all -xX

Hi guys:]I`m here for my fans and my friends{Ash,Chels,Selena,Miley,Micch].Gosh here is many fakes,no<<?I know from my friends<<3
My names is "ChloeBridgesxAcc" for this is my official account here.
I am not fake :] My Real here:*What`s your name or nickname?Nice too meet u... and luv u !
=`>> Pic for uu`
=`>> Pic for uu`
My friends`
My friends`
Real crazy`
Real crazy`
Miiuum <`
Miiuum <`

Comments • 8

DeduxaaLov3 27 December 2010  
,,here is many fakes'' ? maybe ehre are many fakes ...u are one of them ..idk i will what proofs do you have
xDetektOrFakeSsx 27 December 2010  
You're right Deduxa <33 Love youu[:x]
DeduxaaLov3 27 December 2010  
Me too babe` i thinks he is a fake ..but don't worry let's see what ,, proofs '' she will show us :D
ChloeBridgesxAcc 27 December 2010  
Yeiii thnx is good joke:]]Thnx girls!
MariaZz 27 December 2010  
xDetektOrFakeSsx 27 December 2010  
~`By3 FAKE x(`~
ChloeBridgesxAcc 27 December 2010  
`>>I`m fake??...Maybe u are fake:]]
Ur English is very down:]
L0liPoP 27 December 2010  
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